Month: August 2006

Israel 2006

If you had to invent a horoscope to describe a country in constant tension with its neighbors, a land that has risen from the ashes, a land with supreme confidence that could fight its own battles, then you might have chosen the 14th May 1948, and that country would be Israel. This was the time when Jewish figures under the leadership of Ben Gurion declared the existence of the state of Israel whilst the Arab League was in the process of invading the country. Even at inception, Israel was at war.See chart for Israel 14.05.1948 16.00 Tel Aviv

This horoscope is one of the most interesting horoscopes of all time for a myriad of reasons. The country was formed less than a week after a solar eclipse at 18 Taurus, which squared a Mars/Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Leo, thereby assuring its destiny at the center of a power hub in which war, struggle and survival were to be the keynotes. The Saturn/Pluto conjunction takes place every 35 years, and in this case it shows the rebirth of the Jewish nation after the Holocaust. The sun placed on the 8th house cusp shows that the country’s identity is based on contested territory – it is in fact founded on other people’s land, and these people were made permanent refugees in the war of Israeli independence. Ever since, the Palestinian people have claimed their land back. Indeed extremist forces in Arab countries have called for the elimination of the state of Israel. The fate of Israel is to live under the constant threat of extermination, and to cope with this they have an enormous willpower to survive.

Fortunately for the Lion of Israel, they have an extremely strong Mars in Leo, which trines an even stronger Jupiter in Sagittarius. This is a people with a well-trained army with enormous confidence and will to win. They have the sense that right is on their side, and that might is right. Mars is actually square the Sun, and there is the suggestion that the army can run independently of government, but as the Sun disposes of Mars, then it can be reined in.

The horoscope ruler Venus is in Cancer and the 9th, and this shows an important side of the Israeli character. They love their home and their family, and they are settlers, trying to build a home in a difficult environment. The 9th house position of Venus also shows that many have arrived from abroad – in fact this Venus position is exactly on the Venus/Jupiter conjunction of the United States, which of course the protector of Israel both financially and militarily. This is a soft and cultural influence, and with the square to Neptune in the 12th there is also a sorrow and awareness of the martyrdom of their race. As Ascendant ruler, Venus has a special role to play, especially in Israel’s progressed chart.

Mercury is strongly placed in Gemini, which probably says something about the many languages spoken in the country and the dual use of English and Hebrew. The strong aspect of the 8th house Mercury to Pluto in Leo indicates the effectivity of the country’s intelligence services, particularly Mossad. The ability of Mossad to orientate itself in the Arab world is a major extension of Israel’s power. Mercury makes a powerful trine to Neptune in the 12th, which gives great spiritual depth and teaching tradition, and shows the success Israel has in keeping alive the knowledge of the Holocaust. Mercury has also an extraordinary story to tell in the progressed chart.

Israel has been in extreme turmoil since the elections in Gaza that gave power to Hamas, which is generally seen as a terrorist organization. This coincided with the withdrawal of the military from Gaza and the removal of settlements. At the same time, Ariel Sharon had his near-fatal stroke, and the party he had just formed on November 21st 2005 – Kadima – won the March 28, 2006 elections with Ehud Olmert as its leader.

Progressed chart July 2006

Weakness has never been a very useful strategy in the Middle East, where the spirit of compromise is so difficult to capitalize on. Olmert has a chart with three planets in fall – Sun in Libra, Mars in Cancer and Venus in Virgo – and this is not going to stand him in good stead in the current conflict that is escalating with Hizbulla in the Lebanon. (Note 1) Olmert is in fact an idealist, with a Sun/Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Libra – a good man who believes in compromise. In fact his chart is similar to the UN, and he should get them involved as soon as possible.

It is an extraordinary thing that both Mercury and Venus retrograde from Cancer and back into Gemini for a very long period. During this time their energies merge with the Uranus/Jupiter opposition clearly indicating the years and years of international diplomacy connected with the dilemma of Israel/Palestine and how to create two separate states that recognize each other’s existence. The long Sharon/Arafat “dialogue” was a manifestation of this activation of Uranus in Gemini.

Mercury retrograded into Gemini in 1993, and will reenter Cancer this year by progression, and this probably marks the end of dialogue, in the sense that Israel now make unilateral decisions and no longer negotiate officially with the Palestinian government. This is the end of the 1990’s epoch of the Oslo accords, which had such limited success. The policy of Israeli unilateralism will continue into the foreseeable future.

As may be expected with the sudden explosion of violence in the Middle East, Mars is involved. At the time of writing – when bombs are being dropped over Beirut and rockets falling on Haifa – transiting Mars is in fact exactly on Israel’s Mars at 28 Leo, so quite obviously Israel is flexing all its muscles. However, progressed Mars is at 26.52 Virgo – exactly conjoined by progressed Moon! – and approaching the square to progressed Uranus at 27.44 Gemini and natal Jupiter at 27.39 Sagittarius. This is a high explosive cocktail, and it looks like going on for a while. Progressed Moon enters Libra in October, which may help peace negotiations, but the exact Mars square takes place at the time of the New Year in 2008. This indicates that high tech warfare may flare up periodically over the next 1½ year period. And as mentioned in a previous article, air strikes on Iran are a distinct possibility.

The progressed Mars to Jupiter, which is exact at the end of 2007 indicates that the actions of Israel will not meet with approval. They will overreact, and definitely be open to the charge that they are using disproportionate force (which Europe is already claiming). With progressed Mars in Virgo this could be because military efforts are focused on the destruction of infrastructure.

The current efforts to establish security in the face of fundamentalist threats will only have a limited success. The Saturn/Neptune opposition of 2006-7 will square Israel’s Taurus sun created a long-lasting and apparently insoluble problem. Saturn squares the sun on 27th October 2006, and 15th January and 13th  July 2007. Neptune squares the sun in 2008, and Mars in 2010. This is going to be a damaging time for the Israeli economy in particular, and dealing with increasing debt will be a major preoccupation. At the same time military methods for conflict solving will become less and less effective as time goes by. The entry of Mars into Libra in 2012 will signal the end of the smaller skirmishes with militants, but there may be new alliances and heightened world tension at this time.

Lebanon celebrates its independence on 22nd November, after it wrested power from the French in 1943, and a noon chart places the Moon at 26 Gemini, which is exactly where the progressed Moon and Mars of Israel are right now. Pluto is squaring this position and opposing Lebanon’s Saturn in Gemini, showing the upheaval and restructuring currently going on as a consequence of Israel’s bombs. Lebanon has Mars, Saturn and Uranus in Gemini which clearly indicates the religious polarities in the country and the potential for civil war. This is obviously a destabilizing time in a country that has never been stable.

The general consensus regarding the current war footing of Israel is that this is something that has been orchestrated by Hizbulla at the behest of Iran and Syria. With the current pressure on Iran because of their nuclear program, a low-intensity Middle Eastern conflict can be very useful in distracting energy and attention away from its president Ahmadinejad, and a reminder of Iran’s regional power. The new longer-range rockets are manufactured in Iran, and can now reach major population centres in Israel. Given Israel’s extreme sensitivity regarding the capturing of their soldiers, it is a simple matter to provoke Israel into an escalation of hostilities, and this has probably been the intention of Hizbulla and their patrons. Everyone is a hostage to this – even the Hamas government of Palestine, who would probably love to be able to prevent its fundamentalists sending rockets into Israel. The Lebanese government would probably also love to stop Hizbulla aggression, but moderate Arabs have very little influence these days. With a peaceful resolution of this conflict in the hands of the masters of Hizbulla, there is likely to be low-level conflict for some time to come.

As mentioned earlier, Venus progressed retrograded into Gemini in the mid-90’s and will remain there until 2029. It stations in 2011 at 24.38 Gemini exactly on Uranus (24.21) and also conjoins Uranus progressed from 2000 to 2025. As ruling planet for Israel this shows an extremely disturbing process, characterized by the stress of rockets and suicide bombs. Uranus in Gemini shows provocative neighbours and the challenges in dealing with people whose language, religion and culture is almost insuperable. To learn to communicate with people who are so different is the fate of Israel. Peace will come in 2030.

Adrian Duncan 19th July 2006-07-19

Note 1. Ehud Olmet: 30 September 1945.


Oil – End of an Age

The discovery and exploitation of oil in the early 19th century made a lot of whales very happy indeed. Until that time whale oil was extensively used primarily for lighting and to a certain extent for cooking, but with the development of kerosene, the bottom – fortunately for whales – fell out of the whaling industry over a period of several decades. Plastic is currently performing the same service for trees. Traditionally oil and gas have been associated with the planet Neptune (as indeed whales are), and it is probably no coincidence that the first commercial exploitation of oil in the 1850’s took place soon after the discovery of Neptune in 1846.When Neptune was discovered, it was in exact conjunction with Saturn at 25 Aquarius, and subsequent Saturn/Neptune conjunctions have correlated with dramatic political upheavals – there were many (relatively peaceful) social revolutions in Europe in the late 1840’s because of the rise of socialism. The correlation of the 35-year Saturn/Neptune cycle with social change has been well documented, especially as regards communism, whose defining moments – the 1917 revolution, the death of Stalin in1953, and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall in 1989 – all occurred at the conjunction.To a certain extent the Saturn/Neptune cycle is also related to the supply of oil and gas, which is natural enough considering the association of Saturn with restriction and blockage, and of Neptune with oil. As consumers, we become aware of this through the price of oil at the petrol pump, but the correlation between petrol prices and oil supply is complicated by a number of factors, not least the desire of OPEC countries to maintain stable oil prices by pumping more or less oil as the situation demands. There is naturally also a correlation between oil supply and growth and prosperity, but again there are a number of factors that complicate the equation. For example there has been excellent growth in the United States in 2005 even though the price of oil tripled over the last three years.  Conversely, with the discovery of the largest oil pool ever in Texas in 1930 – at the time of a precise Saturn/Neptune trine – the price of oil was brought crashing down bringing chaos to the industry and considerably worsening the Great Depression. High oil prices do not guarantee economic woe, and low prices do not guarantee prosperity. Stable prices are best.

The classic example of the correlation between oil supply and the Saturn/Neptune cycle is related to the opposition that took place prior to the 1973 Yom Kippur war and subsequent Arab oil embargo. In fact the first opposition (in a series of three) took place on June 25th, 1971 at 0 degrees Gemini/Sagittarius, and it seems as if the entry of Neptune into Sagittarius at the beginning of the seventies heralded an epoch in which “foreign” countries, where the oil originated, began to take control. This was a time when OPEC flexed its muscles, supporting Iraq for example when it nationalized Western oil companies in Iraq in June 1972. OPEC itself was formed on September 14, 1960, when Saturn made a precise sextile to Neptune. (Note 1)

Oil prices rose dramatically up to 1974, and leveled off, even falling, but with the political disintegration of Iran and overthrow of the shah, oil prices took off once again and the price of oil almost doubled in relation to the 1974 peak of $38 per barrel (2005 dollar rate) to reach $63 by 1981. This was largely due to the US embargo on Iranian products in the wake of the US embassy hostage crisis in 1979 and the subsequent Iraq/Iran war in 1980. Astrologically this is interesting, because the Saturn/Neptune square from September 1979 to June 1980 spanned this period. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that the opposition and square in the 70’s – a time when Neptune was in Sagittarius – corresponds to restrictions on oil connected to Arab nations with a strongly religious agenda.

A new Saturn/Neptune cycle began in 1989 with the series of conjunctions that took place around 10 degrees Capricorn from March to November. As with all previous conjunctions, this had monumental political repercussions – in this case no less than a New World Order, which was connected with the fact that Uranus also conjoined Neptune and commenced a new 172 year cycle shortly afterwards. It seems likely that the Saturn/Neptune conjunction creates the new political structures through which form the background for oil supply, and that each conjunction has a different emphasis. At any rate it seems that the newly formed Russia, sensitive as it is to the Saturn/Neptune cycle, is now taking over in significance from the Middle East, and with the current build up to the first opposition of the 1989 cycle, it is Russia that is flexing her muscles rather than OPEC.

The bullying tactics of Russia have been clearly apparent in their dealings with the Ukraine as 2006 began. This was a major manifestation of the colossal grand cross between Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter and Mars, that was operative from August 2005 to February 2006, and it gives a foretaste of what is to come when the Saturn/Neptune opposition really kicks in. Basically Ukraine refused to allow the gas pipelines that go through its country to come under the control of the state-owned Russian gas giant Gazprom, and Gazprom responded by demanding that Ukraine would then have to pay the EU market price for gas, which at around $220 per 1000 cubic meters quadrupled the price for Ukraine. When Ukraine understandably rejected this – they had previously been guaranteed a fixed price five years into the future – Gazprom shut down supplies.

As the gas pressure fell also for European countries, it became quite clear for the EU that they themselves were now vulnerable to Russian blackmail, as Gazprom already supplies 25% of EU’s gas. What is more, this figure is growing as European supplies of gas dwindle, and new pipelines are being built from Russia. Interestingly, Gerhard Schroeder, the former premier of Germany is chairman of the board of the Gazprom branch for the pipeline going directly under the Baltic Sea to Germany. There are even rumors that Italy’s premier Berlusconi – if he loses his current post, will become chairman of the southern Gazprom pipeline bound for Italy. As Putin expands Russia’s web of pipelines into Europe he will clearly acquire a stranglehold on EU energy. Obviously this will not be used overtly – that is bad business practice – but Russia will acquire enormous influence… and great riches too. This must be sweet music to the Russian nation after the economic humiliations of the 1990’s.

Gazprom was formed at the Saturn/Neptune conjunction in 1989 and though privatized during the 1990’s Putin reasserted state control by acquiring 51% of the shares when he came to power. He went on to crush the competing oil giant Yukos, whose chairman Mikhail Khordorkovsky was jailed in 2004 for tax evasion… though everyone knows that the real reason was that he had presidential ambitions. The head of Gazprom is Aleksej Miller who is an old pal of Putin’s from his time as mayor of St. Petersburg. In reality Gazprom is an arm of the Kremlin, and is being used not just as a financial instrument but also as a political tool. Whilst America depletes its resources on foreign adventures in Iraq, Russia is rapidly consolidating its power. Quite apart from huge pipelines to northern, central and southern Europe, there are deals with Japan, Korea and the Far East, capitalizing on the huge demand for oil in these countries, which Russia is in a strong position to satisfy because it has almost a third of the world’s gas reserves.

It is in this light that the coming Saturn/Neptune opposition should be seen. This phase of the Saturn/Neptune cycle corresponds to the earlier 1972 opposition phase – in other words it is likely that the last half of the 35 cycle – from 2006 to the next conjunction (in Aries) in June 2025, will see the use of oil and gas to leverage Russia as a growing power on the world stage. The opposition phase of a cycle is connected with awareness, and just as the West became aware of the power of the Middle East in the previous cycle, the EU, and belatedly the US, will become aware of the power of Russia in this cycle. The events connected with Ukraine prove that this is not a benign influence… the power is there to gain advantage.

It is too late to do anything about the growing power of Russia… the pipelines are complete or under construction, North Sea supplies are running down, Europe is hungry. It is Russia’s turn to prosper, and the country is in great need of wealth after a dire period of poverty and disintegration. The choices in Europe are stark, and there will naturally be a strong incentive to economize by building economical houses and cars and investing in alternative energy supplies, and this in turn will stand Europe in good stead when the next Saturn/Neptune cycle runs its course from 2025 to 2060. It is those countries that become relatively independent of fossil fuels that will be in a supreme position as it becomes more and more expensive to extract diminishing quantities from the earth.

Meanwhile it is likely that the Saturn/Neptune opposition from 2006 to 2007 (see graph) will brings economic unrest. As Jupiter is involved in this – and Jupiter/Neptune squares are associated with the bursting of economic bubbles – there is likely to be some kind of market crash connected with power and corruption (Jupiter in Scorpio). Anything unrealistically priced will be cut down to size (watch it Google, watch it property market!). The warnings will come in the first quarter of 2006, but the crash is likely in September and October. But with Saturn increasing its restrictive grip on oil supply, I would imagine oil prices will go up even from their current highs. Venezuela is encouraging a wave of solidarity in South America and reducing the control the USA has on its deliveries from that quarter. Iraq’s already damaged production could get even worse through civil war. Iran’s confrontation course with the West can limit supplies. These factors are likely to contribute to economic depression in the USA and Europe.

The Yom Kippur war and Arab oil embargo took place a year after the previous Saturn/Neptune opposition, and it seems like there will be upheaval after the 2006-7 opposition, with the building up of an awesome grand cross involving Pluto which enters Capricorn and Uranus which enters Aries, indicating an aggressive period in world politics spanning the years from 2010 to 2014. There is likely to be highly charged interaction between the West, Russia and China at this time, and some political reconstruction will take place owing to the rise of extremism. This may or may not be related to the economic discomfort likely to be experienced in the wake of the Saturn/Neptune opposition.

The Age of Oil will run its course, just as the Age of Coal did. At current rates of extraction, oil will run out in the middle of the 21st century, though – as it gets more and more expensive per barrel – it will be a slow process as oil gradually gets supplanted by other power sources. The big question is: how peaceful will this process be? As dynamic technological progress made living easier, populations have exploded and dependence on cheap energy is what makes the world go around today. Yet there will be a future in which the burning of fossil fuels simply does not take place. Houses will not be heated by coal, gas or oil. Cars will not run on gasoline. Power will not come from oil, gas or coal-fired stations.

There are two views as to what will happen in the transition process. One is the Roman Empire model – the fall of civilization. The other is that man’s ingenuity will find solutions, and this view is more in keeping with the Aquarian Age prophecy. The exploitation of Earth’s resources is a phenomenon largely reflected astrologically by the 200 year Saturn/Jupiter conjunction cycle in Earth. When this moves to Air for another 200 year period – in 2020 – other energy sources based on light and waveforms will gradually take over in an extremely low-energy society. Whilst we have difficulty imagining this transition, our children, and our children’s children will easily find the way.

Saturn – Neptune cycle

Adrian Ross Duncan 10th January 2005

Note 1. Book of World Horoscopes. OPEC stands for the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. OPEC countries supply about half the world’s oil.


Israel 2006

Hvis du skal finde et horoskop, som beskriver et land, der befinder sig i konstant spændingsforhold til sine naboer, et land der har rejst sig fra asken, et land der er overbevist om at kunne vinde enhver kamp, så ville du måske vælge den 14. maj 1948, og det land ville være Israel. Det var på dette tidspunkt at jødiske overhoveder under ledelse af Ben Gurion erklærede staten Israels eksistens, alt i mens den Arabiske liga indvaderede landet. Selv i begyndelsen var Israel i krig.


14.05.1948 16.00 Tel Aviv

Dette horoskop er et af de mest interessante horoskoper til alle tider. Landet blev grundlagt mindre end en uge efter en solformørkelse på 18 grader Tyr, som var i kvadrat til Mars/Saturn/Pluto konjunktionen i Løven, og sikrede sig hermed en skæbne i midten af et kraftcenter, hvor krig, kamp og overlevelse var absolut centrale. Saturn/Pluto konjunktionen finder sted hvert 35 år, og i dette tilfælde viser det genfødslen af den jødiske nation efter Holocaust. Solens placering på 8. husspids viser, at landets identitet er baseret på omstridt territorium, det er grundlagt på andre menneskers land, og disse mennesker blev gjort til permanente flygtninge i Israels uafhængigheds krig. Lige siden har det palæstinensiske folk krævet deres land tilbage. Ekstremistiske kræfter i de arabiske lande har stræbt efter ødelæggelsen af staten Israel. Det lader til at være Israels skæbne at leve under konstant trussel om udslettelse, og for at kunne overkomme dette må de have en enorm vilje til at overleve.

Heldigvis for Israel er der i landets horoskop en ekstremt stærk Mars i Løven, som er i trigon til en endnu stærkere Jupiter i Skytten. Det er en hær med soldater, der er top-trænede og med en selvsikker tro og vilje til at vinde. Mars er faktisk i kvadrat til Solen, og der siger noget om, at hæren kunne styre uafhængigt af regeringen; men da Solen disponerer over Mars, kan den stilles til regnskab.

Horoskop herskeren Venus i Krebsen er i 9. hus, og det viser en vigtig side af den israelske karakter. De elsker deres hjem og deres familie, og de er nybyggere, der forsøger på at bygge et hjem i et besværligt miljø. Venus position i 9. hus viser, at mange indbyggere er ankommet fra udlandet; faktisk er Israels Venus i præcis konjunktion med USA’s Venus/Jupiter konjunktion, som selvfølgelig er Israels beskytter både finansielt og militært. Det er en blød og kulturel indflydelse, og med kvadraten til Neptun i 12. hus viser det også sorg og opmærksomhed på det israelske folks martyrium. Som Ascendant hersker har Venus en speciel rolle at spille specielt i Israels progressive horoskop.

Merkur er stærkt placeret i Tvillingerne, som sandsynligvis siger noget om de mange sprog, der tales i landet og om den dobbelte brug af engelsk og Hebræisk. Det stærke aspekt mellem Merkur i Tvillingerne sekstil Pluto i Løven indikerer et effektivt efterretningsvæsen, navnlig Mossad. Mossads evne til at orientere sig selv i den arabiske verden er en vigtig forlængelse af Israels magt. Merkur danner en magtfuld trigon til Neptun i 12. hus, som giver stor spirituel dybde og en god undervisnings tradition, og viser samtidigt at Israel har succes med at holde mindet om Holocaust i live. Merkur har ligeledes en ekstraordinær historie at fortælle i det progressive horoskop.

Der har været ekstremt turmult i Israel, siden valget i Gaza gav magten til Hamas, som generelt ses som en terror organisation. Dette faldt sammen med tilbagetrækningen af det israelske militær fra Gaza og bosætternes fraflytning. På samme tid havde Ariel Sharon hans næsten fatale slagtilfælde, og det parti han lige havde formet den 21. november 2005 – Kadima – vandt valget den 28. marts 2006 med Ehud Olmert som sin leder.

Progressive horoskop – juli 2006

Svaghed har aldrig været så nogen god strategi i Mellemøsten, hvor det er vanskeligt at opnå noget som helst med et kompromis. Olmert har et horoskop med tre planeter i fald, Solen i Vægten, Mars i Krebsen, og Venus i Jomfruen – og dette tjener ikke til hans formål i den nuværende konflikt som eskalerer med Hizbulla i Libanon. (Note 1) Olmert er faktisk en idealist, med en Sol/Jupiter/Neptun konjunktion i Vægten, en god mand som tror på et kompromis. Faktisk er hans horoskop meget lig FNs og han skulle få dem involveret så hurtigt som muligt.

Det er ekstraordinært, at både Merkur og Venus i Israels horoskop er retrograde i Tvillingerne i en meget lang periode. I løbet af denne periode forenes deres energier med Uranus/Jupiter oppositionen, hvilket klart indikerer årelange internationale diplomatiske forhandlinger, forbundet med dilemmaet omkring Israel/Palæstina og hvordan man skaber to separate stater, der truer hinandens eksistens. Den lange Sharon/Arafat dialog var en manifestation af denne aktivering af Uranus i Tvillingerne.

Merkur, der gik retrograd ind i Tvillingerne i 1993, vil progressivt gå komme ind i Krebsen igen i løbet af dette år, og det markerer enden på en dialog forstået på den måde, at Israel nu tager ensidige beslutninger og ikke længere forhandler med den palæstinensiske regering. Dette er afslutningen på 90’ernes Oslo overensstemmelser, som har haft så begrænset succes. Israels ensidige politik vil fortsætte i den nærmeste fremtid.

Som det kan forventes med den seneste udvikling af vold i Mellemøsten, er Mars involveret. I skrivende stund, hvor bomber falder over Beirut og raketter falder på Haifa, er transit Mars faktisk på Israels Mars 28 Løve, så det er ganske tydeligt, at Israel spiller med alle musklerne. På selv samme tid er progressive Mars 26.52 Jomfruen i præcis konjunktion med progressive Måne og i en tiltagende kvadrat til progressive Uranus 27.44 Tvillingerne og radix Jupiter 27.39 Skytte. Det er en højeksplosiv cocktail, og det ser ud til at fortsætte et stykke tid endnu. Progressive Måne går ind i Vægten i oktober, som muligvis hjælper på fredsforhandlinger, men faktisk er den eksakte Mars kvadrat stadigvæk aktuel ved nytåret i 2008. Det indikerer en højteknologisk krig, som muligvis blusser op over den næste 1½ årige periode. Som nævnt i en tidligere artikel, er luftangreb mod Iran en klar mulighed.

Progressive Mars i aspekt til Jupiter bliver eksakt i slutningen af 2007 og indikerer at Israels aktioner ikke bliver mødt med forståelse. De vil overreagere og blive beskyldt for at anvende en magt, der er ude af proportioner (som Europa allerede gør opmærksom på). Med progressive Mars i Jomfruen kan det være, fordi at militære midler anvendes til ødelæggelse af infrastruktur.

De nuværende anstrengelser for at etablere sikkerhed overfor fundamentalistiske trusler vil kun have en begrænset effekt. Saturn/Neptun oppositionen i 2006-2007 danner en kvadrat til Israels Sol og skaber således et uløseligt og længerevarende problem. Saturn danner en kvadrat den 27. oktober 2006, og den 15. januar og 13. juli 2007. Neptun er i kvadrat til Solen i 2008 og Mars danner en kvadrat til selv samme i 2010. Det er en belastende tid for den israelske økonomi i særdeleshed, og at skulle finde en løsning på den stigende gæld er noget, der kommer til at fylde dagsordenen. På samme tid vil de militære løsninger på konflikten blive mindre og mindre effektive, som tiden går. Mars indtræden i Vægten i 2012 signalerer enden på kampen med militante grupper, men der kan være nye allierede og en optrappet spænding på verdensplan på dette tidspunkt.

Libanon fejrer sin selvstændighed den 22. november, efter at de fravristede franskmændene magten i 1943, og et middagshoroskop placerer Månen 26 Tvillingerne, som er præcis hvor den progressive Måne og Mars er i Israels horoskop lige nu. Pluto er i kvadrat til denne position og i opposition til Libanons Saturn i Tvillingerne. Det viser de omvæltninger og omstruktureringer, der i øjeblikket finder sted som en konsekvens af Israels bomber. Libanon har Mars, Saturn og Uranus i Tvillingerne, som klart indikerer de politiske polariteter i landet og tendensen til borgerkrig. Det er sandelig en ustabil tid for et land, der aldrig rigtig har været stabilt.

Den offentlige israelske mening angående krigstilstanden i Israel er, at det er noget som er sat i gang af Hizbulla – og længere op i heirarkiet af Iran og Syrien. Med det nuværende pres på Iran på grund deres atomprogram, kan en potentiel krig på vågeblus være ganske brugbar i forhold til at trække energi og opmærksomhed væk fra præsident Ahmadinejad, og det er samtidigt en påmindelse om Irans regionale magt. De nye langtrækkende raketter fremstilles i Iran, og kan nu nå mange vigtige befolkede områder i Israel.

Hvis man tager Israels ekstreme sensitivitet i betragtning angående tilfangetagelsen af deres soldater, så er det ingen kunstværk at provokere Israel til at eskalere deres krigeriske handlinger, og det har sandsynligvis været intentionen hos Hizbulla og deres støttere. Alle er gidsler i dette spil, selv Hamas regeringen i Palæstina, som sikkert ønsker at forhindre dets fundamentalister i at sende raketter imod Israel. Den libanesiske regering ønsker sikkert også at standse Hizbullas angreb, men de moderate arabere har meget lille indflydelse i disse dage.

Som nævnt tidligere, har retrograde Venus været i Tvillingerne siden midten af 1990erne og forbliver der indtil 2029. Den går stationær i 2011 på 24.28 Tvillingerne (præcis på Uranus 24.21) og er også i konjunktion med Uranus progressiv fra 2000 til 2025. Som den herskende planet i Israels horoskop er det en ekstremt forstyrrende proces, og er karakteriseret af terror fra raketter, selvmordsbomber og umulige forhandlinger. Uranus i Tvillingerne viser provokerende naboer, og udfordringen ved at forholde sig til disse menneskerer næsten uovervindelig. Det er tilsyneladende Israels skæbne at skulle kommunikerer med mennesker, der er så forskellige fra den selv. Freden vil indfinde sig i 2030.

Note 1. Ehud Olmet: 30 September 1945.