Category: Adrian’s Articles 2000

Aftermath – the next four years

Astrology works so well – in retrospect. The future is murky territory and navigating that territory through predictions is a dangerous game – rewarding when you get it right, very forgettable when you get it wrong. Every time, with Trump, I get it wrong. But, getting things wrong is the first stage of getting things right in the end, certainly in consultations, when intelligent questioning finally leads to a correct understanding. You can do that with clients, but not with politics.

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Kuglen, der gik forbi

Nu hvor Guds hånd har skubbet kuglen af ​​vejen, og JD Vance har kysset ringen som håbefuld vicepræsident, har udsigten til et højreekstremt Trump-præsidentskab i 2025 destabiliseret demokratiske tilhængere i USA, rystet europæiske ledere, mens Zelenskyy frygter nu udsigten til at bekæmpe Rusland uden amerikansk bistand. Vance har sagt, at han ærlig talt er ligeglad med, hvad der sker i Ukraine, og Trump sælger ideen om, at han kan løse konflikten på én dag. Åh, glad dag for Vladimir Putin.

Men vinder Trump i november?

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Dodging the Bullet

Now that the hand of God has nudged that bullet out of the way, and JD Vance has kissed the ring, the prospect of a far-right Trump presidency in 2025 has Democratic supporters groaning in the US, European leaders shuddering, and Zelenskyy looking at the possibility of fighting Russia without US aid. Vance has said that he frankly does not care about what happens in Ukraine, and Trump sells the idea that he can solve the conflict in one day. Oh, happy day for Vladimir Putin.

But will Trump win in November?
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NATO og FN – kan de redde verden?

Europa lå i ruiner. Flygtninge var spredt overalt. Tyske byer blev reduceret til murbrokker og støv, og Tyskland selv blev opdelt i zoner kontrolleret af England, USA, Frankrig, og Sovjetunionen. I kølvandet på 2. Verdenskrig havde Sovjetunionen overtaget hele Østeuropa. Som Winston Churchill kommenterede:

“Fra Stettin i Østersøen til Trieste i Adriaterhavet har et jerntæppe sænket sig over kontinentet.” Dette repræsenterede en stor succes for Sovjetunionen, til stor foruroligelse for de vestlige magter. Read More

NATO and the UN – Can they save the world?

Europe was in ruins. Refugees were everywhere. German cities were reduced to rubble and dust, and Germany itself was split into zones controlled by England, the US, France, Soviet Union. In the aftermath of World War 2, the Soviet Union had taken over all of Eastern Europe. As Winston Churchill commented:
“From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an “iron curtain” has descended across the continent.This represented a great success for the Soviet Union, much to the alarm of the Western powers. Read More

The 2024 US Election

Theoretically, if astrology is effective, it should surely not be difficult to predict an election result between two candidates. But there is no one astrological technique that can be relied upon. What works for one election, may not work for another. It’s the odd anomaly that reveals the winner. You have to be able to read the prevailing winds to see which of the candidate’s sails are going to be filled. You will also have to fight confirmation bias. For example, I predicted Hillary Clinton would win in 2016 despite the obvious signs that Trump would – his MC progressed entering Leo and his Sun progressed conjoining his Ascendant. I refused to see the astrological evidence before my own eyes.
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