Category: Adrian’s Articles 2017

Global Warming

In the late 1960’s and 1970’s early computer projections came to the alarming conclusion that the exponential growth of the population would make our planet unlivable. Since that time, the curve has continued. The population of New Delhi in 1970 was 3 million, and today it is 27 million. Even with China’s one-child policy, introduced in 1979, the population has in fact doubled over the last 50 years and is at about 1.4 billion today. And looking historically from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to today, the world population has increased from about 1 billion to over 7 billion. Seems like a problem, right? Read More

Nuclear Event Horizons

One exact 84-year Uranus cycle after the discovery of Neptune in 1846, the planet Pluto was discovered in 1930 through the technology which Neptune is associated with – it was seen as a faint moving pinprick of light on a series of photographic plates. With the discovery of Pluto, vast new areas of the solar system were seen to be under the gravitational influence of the sun, and subsequently even more planets and interplanetary bodies have been discovered beyond Pluto, where at this moment (2017) the spacecraft New Horizons is venturing forth. Read More

Assange and Wikileaks

When it comes to secrets, there is nothing like Water signs, who are famously silent. Scorpio keeps secrets best, and not even torture can get them to spill the beans. Cancers are loyal, and will never betray a loved one. Pisces may blab a bit, but they are masters of the smokescreen, and only another Water sign can decode their smoke signals.

Which makes Julian Assange, editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, pretty good at his job. Born with Sun in Cancer in the 8th house, he is a person who likes to delve deep, a fact only strengthened by the Sun’s close trine to the Moon in Scorpio in the 12th house. Assange is a denizen of a secret world, and cyberspace and the dark web are the territories he inhabits, thrives in, and breathes life into. Read More