Now that the hand of God has nudged that bullet out of the way, and JD Vance has kissed the ring, the prospect of a far-right Trump presidency in 2025 has Democratic supporters groaning in the US, European leaders shuddering, and Zelenskyy looking at the possibility of fighting Russia without US aid. Vance has said that he frankly does not care about what happens in Ukraine, and Trump sells the idea that he can solve the conflict in one day. Oh, happy day for Vladimir Putin.

But will Trump win in November?

That is up to the Democrats to decide. Unfortunately the epithet “Sleepy Joe” seems to fit Biden only too well, if media clips are to be taken at face value. Actually, if you listen to what Biden actually says, he is still lucid – he has never been a great speaker. But old age has caught up, and whether he is mentally competent or not hardly matters in a media world which feeds on memorable memes. Because of the antipathy of the majority of Americans to Trump, he could still win, but he can now definitely lose.

If you look at Biden’s horoscope, there are few things which indicate a win, and two things which could indicate a loss. These are:
1. Pluto transit square his Moon at 0.59 Taurus.
– this could show his ejection from the White House
2. His progressed Ascendant at 28.34 Aquarius.
– this could show an imminent change – retirement – as the Ascendant moves into Pisces within a year.

Joe Biden horoscope

Joe Biden: November 20th, 1942. (.30 am Scranton, Pennsylvania

If you look at Trump’s horoscope, there are no great indications that he will win – nothing like what happened in 2016, when his Sun progressed conjoined his Ascendant, and MC progressed moved into Leo. But there are two important transits:
1. Uranus conjoins his MC in June and December 2024 and March 25.
– This seems like an echo of January 6th 2021. Revolution.
2. Jupiter goes stationary retrograde at 21.20 Gemini in October 2024.
– This nearly conjoins Trump’s Sun and opposes the Moon 21.12 and South Node 20.48. Jupiter will return to make the 3rd and last opposition in March 2025. This could show popularity, and I am quite sure all the opinion polls will show Trump ahead before the actual election. But this may also exacerbate Trump’s polarizing influence, shown so clearly by the lunar eclipse conjoining his Uranus in his natal chart.

Donald Trump horoscope

Donald Trump: June 14th, 1946. 10.45 am Jamaica, New York

Whether Trump wins or loses, there are serious problems ahead for America. There is a Uranus return coming from 2027-28, which previously took place at the start of the American civil war, and prior to D-Day in 1944. More acute, the progressed Midheaven of the US (Sibley) chart conjoins Uranus from 2024-25. And a progressed new moon at 20 Pisces in 2024 activates USA’s Mars-Neptune square showing the dominating influence of lies and deception.

The likelihood then is that a Trump win will destabilize America, and that a Trump loss will also destabilize America, as Uranus conjoins Trump’s MC and he claims another election steal.

Finally, the world-changing Saturn-Neptune conjunction at 1 degree Aries in July 2025 and February 2026 falls on the US IC at 1.03 Aries. This represents a huge change at the White House (the home) – but it does not look very right-wing. There will be major political changes worldwide at this time, especially for Russia, where civil war is likely.

So back to the election and its results. Here are the scenarios:
1. It is Trump versus Biden, with unclear results.
2. It is Trump versus Kamala Harris, where she will win.
3. It is Nikki Haley versus Biden, where Haley will win
4. It is Haley versus Harris, where Haley will win.

Of course, the likelihood that Nikki Haley will replace Trump is virtually zero – the bullet missed. But there is a likelihood that Kamala Harris will replace Biden if senior Democrats get their way. Pushing Harris aside for another Democratic candidate like Gretchen Whitmer would be unwise for Democrats, as it would severely alienate black voters.

Kamala Harris has had a bad rap. She has got a great horoscope, although her Sun and Venus are in fall in Libra and Virgo respectively. But her Ascendant is at 24 Gemini, which Jupiter soon transits, and Ascendant ruler is Mercury at 1 Scorpio (opposite Biden’s Moon) – a powerful position. More to the point, she is born at an exact full moon at 27 Libra-Aries exactly trine Saturn which falls on the USA’s Moon at 27 Aquarius.

Kamala Harris horoscope

Kamala Harris: October 20th, 1964. 9.28 pm. Oakland, California

And – crucially – her progressed Sun has moved to 28 Sagittarius. Four years ago, it was at 24 Sagittarius, exactly on her Descendant/South Node, which is when she became Vice-President. At the election, her Sun triggers her full moon, her Saturn, and the nation’s moon.

My plea therefore, just like George Clooney’s (a Biden supporter who has urged him to stand down) is that Biden makes way for Kamala Harris. If you look at the Inauguration Chart for January 20th 2025, there is a Sun-Pluto conjunction for the first time in US history. Along with the Saturn-Neptune conjunction on USA’s IC, this would be a fine signature for a black, female president.

Call me a dreamer, but the thought of a second Trump term is impossible for me to contemplate.

Adrian Ross Duncan – July 17th, 2024